College Visits
College Visit Topics
Why did you decide to attend this college?
Is there anything you don't like? If you had to say, what would you change about this college?
What makes this college different from other schools you looked at?
What majors are most popular here?
Are most classes led by professors or teaching assistants?
Are classes mostly discussion-based or lecture-based?
What's the largest class you've ever taken here?
How large was your average first-year class?
What does an average day for a first-year student look like?
How do first-year students tend to make friends and meet other students?
What do students do when they aren't in class?
Where do students go to study besides their rooms?
What are weekends like on campus? Do most students stay here or do they tend to go home or off campus (or to a nearby city) to hang out?
How are the connections with the local community? Do you feel like part of the community here?
What makes this community special? Why do you like living here?